Image: Kansas Sunset
Are you looking for a Speaker to talk to your organization?  Here is a list of speakers and topics that are available to talk to organizations.  An email is included for contact.  If you know of other speakers please let us know and we can add them to the listing.  We are not responsible on the quality of the speakers - just giving you a listing so you can draw from.
Gary Clark As a genealogist, photographer, and author, Gary has researched genealogy for 30 years. He has studied, documented, and wrote about many of the challenges genealogists face. He loves sharing his experience and knowledge with others, encouraging them to discover new stories and facts they never knew were available.
—  Finding the Farm – Discover Homestead and Land Documents & How to find the farm.
—  Discovering Your Civil-War Ancestor in the Grand Army of the Republic   
—  Dating 19th Century Photographs and Solving Mysteries
—  Dating Your 20th Century Photographs to Identify Mystery People. 
—  Photo and Document Restoration with Easy Digital Tools
—  How to Recognize and Date Tintype, Ambrotype, and Daguerreotype Photographs 
—  Find a Grave as a Genealogy Tool  – An underused gem
Jason Felihkatubbe Jason (Choctaw) has been doing research for 25 yrs+ with focus on Native American Indian genealogy with emphasis on southeastern indians in Indian Territoy/Oklahoma (Cherokee,Chickasaw, Choctaw, Musogee and Seminole)
Choctaw Genealogy, History, Culture 
Cherokee Gnenealogy, History, Culture 
Native Amerian Indian Genealogy   
Oklahoma Genealogy & History       
Indian Territory Genealogy and History     
Beginning Genealogy
Lynda Beck Fenwick A proper English teacher and practicing trial lawyer, Lyn has written three books.
Prairie Bachelor, The Story of a Kansas Homesteader and the Populist Movement
Rosetta Wiley A professional genealogist and author who has been doing genealogy for 34+ years, Rosetta has held offices in Wichita Gen Soc., Sumner County Historical and Genealogical Society, and Kansas Council of Genealogical Societies,  and loves sharing her knowledge with others.
Citing Your Sources           
Homestead Records         
ABC's of Genealogy         
Research Guides & How to make one   
Newspapers & what you can glean from them