Image: Wheat


Each year Kansas Council of Genealogical Societies recognized those among their membership and acquaintances who have made a special effort within the genealogical community.  These awards are presented during the Annual Conference's yearly meeting.  Nominations for these awards are due by April 15th of each year. 
The Award Categories are:
This must be a regular publication consisting of at least two pages and circulated to each member of the society.  It should have only a paper "cover".
Quarterly Magazine
This should be a regular publication consisting of 12 or more pages with a "cover".  It should be mailed/emailed to each member of the society.
(All Publications from member societies sent to KCGS will be collected by the Kansas Review Editor and submitted to the judges for considersation. No nominations will be needed for this category).
Individual Award
This award is given to an indivudual who has served his or her local society and/or Kansas Council through sharing time, talents, and dedication to genealogy over a period of time.  The winner must have been nominated by a member of the society to which he or she belongs and the nomination signed by the executive board of said society.
Individual Historian Award
This award is given to an individual who has researched and published the history of a person, community, institution or historic event relevant to a particular georgraphical area.  Preference will be given to works dealing with Kansas or Kansans.  If a bound book, only one copy needs to be presented for judging.
Harriet Hoffman Awrd
This award is given only to those who have gone beyond their call of duties and respnsiblities in service to the Kansas Council of Genealogical Socieites.  Two members of the Kansas Council Board of Directors must sign the nomination.
1) An Award of Excellence shall be given in each category.
2) Three copies of the nomination and supporting materials for the Individual Awards & Individual Historian Awards must be submitted to the judges.  The reason "why an individual should win this award" is to consist of no more than 150 words.
3) All nominations must be received by Kansas Council of Genealogical Societies no later than April 15 of each year.
4) The Awards Committee will have the final decision as to the winners.
5) Awards will be presented during the annual meeting held at the Annual Conference.
6) Please submit:  
1) Name of Society or Individual making the nomination
2) Name of Nominee for the award and type of award submitting for.
3) No more than 150 words why you think this individual should receive this award.  Please send three copies of each news article, brochure, publication, etc. to substantiate the nomination.  If you are sending a bound book, you may submit only one copy, (this will be donated to a local library after award given).
4) Send to:  KCGS 
                    P.O. Box 47903
                    Wichita, KS  67201-47903
5) Deadline is April 15 of each year!